


The Festival of the Arts will no longer include any entertainment stages. Thank you for your understanding.


Centrally located on the Creek across from the C. Burr Artz library, the amphitheater hosts entertainment, food and beverages, hands-on art activities, seating areas and exhibiting artists. Featured partners in past festivals include:

Frederick County Art Association Booth

For 40+ years, the nonprofit FCAA has been committed to encouraging artistic growth and exposure within its membership along with promoting community interest and participation in the visual arts. In the past members’ work has been displayed and sold in their co-op booth.

Frederick County High School Showcase

Dedicated to fostering the arts among children, the Art Departments at more than five FCPS high schools have joined together to feature the work of both students and faculty. In 2020, the Art Department planned on hosting visitors with student artists and the teachers who have inspired them, while viewing and purchasing the work offered.

Frederick Acoustic Music Enterprise (F.A.M.E)

The FAC has proudly partnered with the Frederick Acoustic Music Enterprise (FAME) who programed the Acoustic stage in previous festivals, located next to the picturesque fountains on the East Street end of the Festival.


The Art of the Cocktail Tent

Located at the top of the amphitheater, the Art of the Cocktail Tent features local Frederick County craft beverages including spirits, wine and beer. Join national liquor purveyor, Republic National Distributing and Fox Haven Farm for cocktail making demonstrations and tastings. The shade of a tent and relaxing tables and chairs make this a lovely opportunity to view the Festival while enjoying a beverage.

Key 103

Get your Tie Dye on with Key 103! Art therapy is a proven help for cancer recovery, and FAC is proud to partner with the American Cancer Society. For $10 donation, you can join the fun, interactive activity to create your own wearable art. All proceeds will go to Relay for Life of Frederick County.

Kaiser Permanente Spin Art

Sponsored by Kaiser Permanente, this is an innovative art project that all ages will love! Pedal the bike to watch the paint colors spin on to the paper!


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