Resources for Emerging Arts Development Initiative (READI)

Application currently closed

The purpose of the Resources for Emerging Arts Development Initiative (READI) program is to strengthen the vitality and sustainability of artists and small organizations to maintain a strong and stable arts infrastructure in Frederick.

The READI grants provide opportunities to serve the growing needs of arts projects and collaborations within Frederick.

Applicants may only submit one application by March 1, 2021. The READI grants support eligible activities of Independent Artists and Small Organizations, with grants ranging from $1,000 to $2000. There is no matching fund requirement.


Artists working without an affiliation to an organization may apply for a READI grant to support:

  • Individual or collaborative projects.
  • The artist must produce or present projects or programs that are relevant to their community.
  • The applicant must be the lead artist whose original work is included in the project or program.
  • The proposed project/artistic work must take place in Frederick County.
  • Only one application per project or program will be considered for funding.
  • Must be located in Frederick County


  • Organizations with an allowable income of $50,000 or less qualify to apply
  • General operations (operating grants to organizations that produce or present the arts to the general public through public programs)
  • Arts programs (an established or ongoing creative endeavor)
  • Arts services (providing services for artists, arts organizations, or the arts community)
  • Arts projects (the origination of a creative endeavor that may include collaborations with artists and other organizations)
  • Only one application per project or program will be considered for funding.
  • The organization must produce or present arts programs, services or projects that are relevant to its community and are available to the public.
  • The organization is not a Grants for Organizations (GFO), County Arts Development (CAD), or Arts & Entertainment District (A&E) recipient.
  • Must be located in Frederick County


The report contains a brief summary request as well as some demographic requirements of the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts). Failure to submit reports may jeopardize current and/or future FAC grants and may result in repayment of grant funds.

  1. What arts activity/event/project will be supported by this funding?
  2. What geographic area is this project and its activities taking place? (must take place in Frederick County)
  3. What is the timeline for the proposed arts activity?
  4. Who is the intended audience or end-user?
  5. What are your plans for community outreach? Explain outreach including to diverse stakeholders and audiences.
  6. What is the overall budget for the arts activities (please attach)
  7. If you are an organization attach your organizational budget

Final Report Link

Grant Funds May Not be Used For:

Re-granting; capital improvements or purchases of permanent equipment; acquisition of capital assets; activities for the exclusive benefit of an organization’s members; activities that are principally recreational, therapeutic, or rehabilitative; travel outside Frederick to present or produce arts; projects chiefly for classroom use or in school activities; activities not open to the general public; scholarships awarded by the applicant organization for its own activities. Grant funds may not be used to make contributions to any persons who hold, or are candidates for, elected office; to any political party, organization, or action committee; or in connection with any political campaign or referendum. Grant funds may not be used for any lobbying activities.

Grant Funds May be Used For:

Expenses directly associated with the proposed eligible arts activities, including but not limited to artist payment/stipends; consultant fees; honoraria; contractual services; administrative expenses; transport; artistic materials and supplies; space/ venue/equipment rental.

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